
As Christians, we’ve been called to share the word of God. To go to every corner of the earth and speak the gospel. To “make disciples of all the nations” (Matthew 28:19). Oftentimes we interpret this as speaking the word of God, which is important. However, words without actions to back them up don’t mean as much. We can preach that we are good people, but if we don’t show that, who would believe us? 

When the Holy Spirit first came down to the disciples, tongues of fire appeared over their heads. This set them apart. The Holy Spirit is supposed to make us different. When people look at us they should see something different about us. They should be drawn to us because of the way we conduct ourselves. This is more than words. This is actively showing the love of Jesus at work in our lives. It is being a kind, understanding, nonjudgmental person that people feel safe around. We are called to encourage others and go out of our way to show non-believers love. 

The Holy Spirit also allowed the disciples to speak in other tongues. I like to think that this included, as cheesy as it sounds, the language of love. The Holy Spirit gives us the ability to show how we are different. 

Jesus taught us that we should be salty. Not salty in the sense that we taste bad and are aggressive. But salty in the sense that we are flavorful. In a world that loves to make everything black and white, we must add color. The light. Jesus.

To preach the good news is not enough. We must show the good news as well. We want people to watch us from afar, and think “Wow, I want what they have.” Then we go to them and tell them why we are like that. That speaks louder than words alone. That is the Holy Spirit at work in us. 




Spiritual Blindess