Sunday Mornings there are a variety of ministries available for kids from birth through 6th grade. Your child's safety is very important to us, all our volunteers are background-checked. We also have a check-in system for our nursery and Children's Worship kids. This is for safety and enables us to reach parents if a need arises. To find out more information about these and other ministries stop by our Information Booth on Sunday Morning.
NURSERY is available for infants through 3 years old during each service. Nursery is located off the courtyard.
CHILDREN'S WORSHIP is available for 3 year olds- First grade during each service. Children are dismissed from the worship service before the sermon. Children's Worship is a time for the children to worship God on their own level. They not only learn about God, but they get to experience God through their worship time.
Sunday School | 9:15am-10:15am. September-May
On Sunday Mornings we use the Gospel Project for Kids.
Gospel Project teaches the Bible chronologically over the course of 3 years.
EVERY story points back to Christ.
All of the grade (PreK-6th grade) will be on the same story each week making it easier for families to have discussions at home.
Worship: In Sunday school worship, we are settling into a rhythm of songs, responsive reading of the Children's Catechism, prayer, scripture. Our goal is to teach the kids that worship is focusing on God, not ourselves and there are different ways to worship.
PreK- 1st grade: 9:15-9:35am- Worship in the Children’s Worship Room
9:35-10:15am- Classtime
2nd-6th grade: 9:15-9:35am- Worship in the Fellowship Hall
9:35-10:15am- Classtime
GEMS (Girls Everywhere Meeting the Savior) exists to help girls from 3rd-8th grade grow in their relationship with Jesus. We meet on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of every month (Sept-May) and do a variety of activities such as games, crafts, Bible study and badges. This year our theme is LOVED. We want each girl to know how much she is loved by her heavenly Father.
Cadets is a 3rd-8th grade boys' ministry program that strives to share Christ's love with boys from the church and community. The motto is "Living for Jesus" and the cadets are mentored by counselors to live in a Christ like way. Bible studies and hands on projects are taught to encourage boys to live in such a way that Christ influences all areas of live.
1st & 3rd Wednesdays @ 6:45pm-8:30pm of each month (September-May)