You Are His

Ephesians 1:4-13

In him we were also chosen,[d] having been predestined according to the plan of him who works out everything in conformity with the purpose of his will, in order that we, who were the first to put our hope in Christ, might be for the praise of his glory.
- Ephesians 1:11-12

During this whole pandemic, our world has struggled with purpose. Everyone has been pondering the idea of our meaning. People have lost jobs. They have lost community. They’ve lost any outlets that keep them grounded or sane. Hope is on the decline, for sure. It has become quite easy to get stuck in that pattern of a downward spiral. Everything just feels off. But Paul paints a different picture as he opens his letter to the Ephesian church.

Now, to my knowledge the Ephesian church was not going through a pandemic, but they were struggling with their humanity. Ephesus was a worldly city to say the least. They housed the temple to the Greek goddess, Artemis. They were a hub for travelers and trade. And I imagine, with all these foreigners coming and going on business, there was probably some mixing of worship. The church in Ephesus was likely made up of people who once took part in all their society had to offer, so when they came to know Christ and turned from their past, they understood their need to be washed clean. Sometimes, being overly aware of our humanity, sin, and brokenness can drag you down. It can make you feel worthless. Unsaveable. Lost. But, I say again, Paul paints a different picture for us.

He tells us that we are “predestined to be adopted as [God’s] sons.” That, “we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins.” And in regards to our purpose, he tells us that we are a part of God’s predestined plan which will work out in conformity with the purpose of His will. Now, try reading that again with an excited voice if you weren’t already hearing that. That is amazing news for us! You may not have a past like the Christians in Ephesus, but that doesn’t mean we don’t get down on ourselves because of our sins. That’s normal...and hey, that’s a good thing, it means you are mad about sinning. When I get frustrated with myself and start that spiral of you-couldn’t-be-worth-God’s-saving-you’re-the-worst, I try to remember this: even if I was the worst sinner in the world—even in the history of the world—my God created that world. That makes Him bigger, stronger, that makes Him able. Paul tells us that our redemption and forgiveness are “in accordance with the riches of God’s grace.” When I look into the night sky and see all His stars light up the darkness, I can’t imagine God running out of anything—not power or love or grace.

To a people that must have felt like an afterthought—a tag along, like the little brother your mom said you had to let play with you—it felt incredible to hear that, not only did the creator of the universe plan from the very beginning to chose them (which that alone is already incredible news), but that it pleased Him that their purpose was in accordance to His will. Let that rest on you for a minute.

So when you’re frustrated with life, when you feel like you’ve lost purpose, meaning, or worth, remember that God takes joy in the fact that you are His. He made you a part of His plan at the same time He was naming the stars. Your life is a part of His plan. Your purpose is in accordance with His will. Let that bring Him glory. Let that bring you joy.

You are His.


A Holy Festival of Storytelling


A Faithful God