Truth Be Told
Psalm 139: 1-6; 13-18
“You have searched me, Lord, and you know me.”
“You are familiar with all my ways.”
-Psalm 139: 1, 3b
Before going on stage my high school choir director would always tell us to remember to smile. And in case we forgot while on stage, he would give us a huge smile and gesture for us to smile. It was all part of the performance. Smile, make sure the audience enjoys the show. Sometimes it feels as if life is a performance, a show. Paste on a smile and make it look like everything is great. Social media just makes it all that much easier. But there is one for whom we do not have to put on a performance. In fact we can’t, because He sees through all our performances.
The verses in Psalm 139 talk about how God knows us. He knows when I sit and when I stand (vs 2), He knows my thoughts and what I am going to say before I even say it (vs 2 & 4). How does He know all this? He is God and He is my creator. He knit me together (vs 13). My frame, my foundation, my very being was not hidden from Him in my mother’s womb (vs 15). Before I was even born all my days, my whole life was written down in His book (vs 16).
It can be a scary thought, that God, the Creator of the universe, knows me so well. He watched as I was being formed and knows everything about me. He knows me better than I know myself. This can be scary or it can be comforting. The God who made everything - the God who made ME, loves me and wants to have a relationship with me. ME, an imperfect sinner!!!
There is one thing about relationships, they only really work if you are honest with each other. We all know that God is honest and trustworthy. We humans on the other hand, not so much.
“How are you doing today?”
“Good, I’m fine.”
How many of us have told this little lie? All of us probably, at one time or another. But we don’t have to do that with God. He already knows.
If He already knows, then why should I tell him? Why do I need to get down to the nitty gritty and tell Him all the hard things going on and all the unpleasant thoughts and feelings I have? It’s hard and not fun. Well, because He loves me; because He wants me to know that I can come to Him with anything and He will love me unconditionally. His love for me is not based on my actions, thoughts, or even how successful I am. He loves me because I am HIS child whom He created. And when I am honest with Him, I am then being honest with myself. That’s when changes can be made, and I can truly start to become more like Christ.
Matthew West has a song out called Truth be Told. I encourage you to listen to it. The chorus sums it up:
I say, "I'm fine, yeah, I'm fine, oh, I'm fine, hey, I'm fine"
But I'm not, I'm broken
And when it's out of control I say it's under control
But it's not and You know it
I don't know why it's so hard to admit it
When bein' honest is the only way to fix it
There's no failure, no fall
There's no sin You don't already know
So let the truth be told
It’s so comforting to know that when I’m going through a rough time I can go to my Lord and Savior and pour my heart out to Him. He’ll listen, understand, and love me. His love for me will never change. So, let’s be honest with God and ourselves and let the truth be told.
Can I really stand here unashamed
Knowin’ that your love for me won’t change?
Oh God if that’s really true
Then let the truth be told
(Matthew West)
~ Elizabeth Verhoeven