Ask Whatever
“Ask whatever you want me to give you.”
- 1 Kings 3:5
As you read the story of Solomon after he has become king (a rather shaky, scary, politically charged process which continued even after Solomon was made king by David – leading to the death of his brother – read 1 Kings 1 & 2 for the full story) in 1 Kings 3, Solomon goes to worship God in Gibeon. It’s called an important high place. Some high places were places idols were worshipped, but this seems to be a place of Yahweh-worship, as God comes to meet with Solomon. Earlier in the chapter Solomon married an Egyptian princess to establish an alliance with Pharaoh. Personally, I love how patient and helpful God is with this young king. God told Solomon, “Ask for whatever you want.” We know how Solomon (though he doesn’t exactly follow God perfectly) asked for wisdom, and God gave him that plus riches! Sadly, I feel this eventually got the best of Solomon. To have it all can be rough to handle. Later he was led astray by too many wives… and most likely opinions.
How about us, is our focus on Jesus? In John 15:16 as well as other places Jesus says, “Ask whatever you want, and it will be given.” This can be hard to understand if we ask and don’t receive what we think God should give. Especially healing for a loved one or provision of urgent, material needs. But does this mean more? I’ve asked myself this so often when I walked through difficult places that God did not give the answer I wanted.
My conclusion is, yes, God does want to give us unimaginable riches but often not the kind I think would meet my needs. John 8 is one of my favorite passages as it is full of hope when you’ve lost a loved one (I don’t have room to go into all of it, you could ask me if you wonder). In John 8:12-19 Jesus tells us if we look to Him we will never walk in darkness but have the light of life. We can be like Solomon and have all things that will give us temporary happiness. But I know Jesus wants us to ask for abundant life in Him. The Pharisees in John 8 weren’t about to believe in Jesus. Do we? Or do we use God’s great riches in the right way?
In Christ, God guides us out of darkness into the light of life. He has come to bring life. It’s there for the asking, but we do have to ask. He stands at our heart’s door and knocks. Welcome Him and choose to walk in His way. Know what a great God we serve.
~ Vera Grimmius