There’s Something About Mary

John 12:1-11

Then Mary took about a pint of pure nard, an expensive perfume; she poured it on Jesus’ feet and wiped his feet with her hair. And the house was filled with the fragrance of the perfume. But one of his disciples, Judas Iscariot, who was later to betray him, objected, “Why wasn’t this perfume sold and the money given to the poor? It was worth a year’s wages.”
- John 12:3-5

On the final week of his life, Jesus’ friends gathered illegally in Bethany to thank and honor him. It was a brave thing to do, for the religious leaders of Israel were looking for Jesus to accuse him and certainly would have included Jesus’ followers in the deal. Despite the reason for gathering in this way, they didn’t understand what the week would hold for Jesus. Well, that is none of them except Mary, the sister of Lazarus. Jesus on the way to Jerusalem had told his disciples that he would be betrayed to the Chief Priest and condemned to die. He was pretty direct with them, but the way they reacted despondently to the cross and earlier in the upper room shows they never really understood. Mary, though, knew. She broke her jar of nard for Jesus and he recognized it for what it was, preparation for his burial.

But, how did Mary know when no one else did? I suppose the answer is found in where we keep finding Mary in the gospel stories. She is always at the feet of Jesus. This is a Jewish expression meaning that she was always listening and learning from him. If you and I don’t know much about spiritual things, it is probably because we don’t spend that much time at Jesus’ feet. For us today that would mean studying the Bible. If we don’t, we will regularly surprised by what is happening around us, like the disciples.

Mary, however understood what was coming. Sitting at Jesus feet she did more than keep company with him and listen to him. She watched him and saw in him his sorrow. She understood why he was sorrowing and wanted to identify with him in it. So she asked herself, “What can I do?” and thought of her most precious possession, and decided to give it to Jesus.

Judas, didn’t understand. In fact he belittled her sacrifice. There will always be people like this amongst Jesus’ followers. People more eager to point out what other followers are doing that is ‘off’. People who seek to draw attention away from Jesus, rather than toward Jesus. Judas, in the end betrayed Jesus for silver that amounted to about 120 denarii. What Mary gave Jesus gladly that day in Bethany would have been around two and a half times that amount.

Jesus’ death approaches. What can you do? Let’s follow Mary’s logic. She asked herself what her most precious possession was. Could or would you give your most precious possession to Jesus? Is there a way you could use it to show your love for him, like Mary did? When Matthew and Mark tell this story of Mary they add that Jesus said what she did would be remembered. Sure enough, 2000 years later we are remembering it. If you want to be remembered, don’t seek to build monuments or businesses or buildings that will remain after you are gone. Build love. Share what you have. Share yourself. Give because it is your way of loving Jesus. Mary gave nard. Martha, it says was busy serving. She probably didn’t have nard to give, but she highly valued hard work. So, she gave that for Jesus. Think on this as we approach the cross and Jesus death. If you want to identify with him and his death, what can you give to show your love?


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