Through Whom God Rules

Q 104: What is God’s will for you in the fifth commandment?
A: That I honor, love, and be loyal to my father and mother and all those in authority over me; that I submit myself with proper obedience to all their good teaching and discipline; and also that I be patient with their failings—for through them God chooses to rule us.

Of all the commandments, ‘honor your father and mother’ has likely been the most quoted with a twinkle in the eye or a side-eye wink. A parent might quote it playfully to a child. It’s regarded almost as cute – like a child standing so seriously alongside much older and stronger siblings. Because, on the surface, this command is one that appears to focus on simply developing ‘nice’ kids. Stack that against the next command (do not murder), and this one looks pretty tame. Simple. Maybe even secondary.

This command is fifth for a reason. The commands are divided into two tables – teaching us how we relate to God (1-4) and how relate to our neighbor (5-10). The fifth is a bridge between these tables, because this command is shows how our relationship with God has direct impact on our relationship with our neighbor. More than that, this command is foundational for how we live in society with others. The family is the first institution of society. It is a fundamental building block of human interaction. Endless studies have shown that multiple developmental benefits are connected to a child being raised in a loving, two-parent home. Beyond even that, it is through those in authority over us that God himself chooses to rule us.

Structure, authority, and order are essential for a family – for any organization of people. That is why the authority of our parents extends to all those in authority over us. That would include the council of your local church; your local government officials and law enforcement; your state and federal governments as well. The fifth commandment is a call to honor, love, respect those in authority over us. Without this sort of honor, a society cannot operate. Former CRC pastor Andrew Kuyvenhoven wrote, “When we disregard divine rules about authority and obedience, human society cannot exist.” Indeed, this helps make sense of the promise associated with honoring our mother and father – “so that you may live long in the land the Lord your God is giving you.” 

Scripture is clear and united on this front:

  • David refused to take the life of Saul (his oppressive, unjust king) when he had the chance, because Saul was the anointed one of the Lord (1 Samuel 24:6).

  • Jesus acknowledged Pilate’s authority as given by God (John 19:11).

  • Paul called all to submit to governing authority, because they are established by God (Romans 13:1)

  • Peter made the same call for Christians to submit to every human authority for the Lord’s sake (1 Peter 2:13).

Outright rebellion against authority is not an option. It is a violation of the fifth commandment.

“Boys will be boys” is no excuse.

“Unenforceable laws are not real laws” is no excuse.

Certainly, parents and governments will fail. Some will fail by lack of necessary, decisive action for the good of their people; others will fail by becoming tyrants. They will answer to God. When our parents or rulers lead unjustly, let us always protest honorably and peacefully; when they require us to act contrary to God’s law for us, let us have courage to defy; in all else, let us submit ourselves in humble obedience to those through whom God has chosen to rule.

~ Pastor Tim


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