What’s Your Pedigree
“I consider them garbage that I main gain Christ and be found in him, not having a righteousness that comes from the law (religious observance) but that which comes from God on the basis of faith. I want to know Christ …”
- (Philippians 3:8-10)
Paul certainly knew how to make people angry. Here in this part of Acts he merely goes to the temple in Jerusalem to worship. The next thing he knows, there is a mob working up to tear him to pieces. The local Roman commander has to arrest Paul just to save his life. Then from the steps of the barracks Paul addresses the lynch mob. How do you speak to a mob that wants to kill you? How do you even get them to listen to you?
Paul begins by stating his bona fides. “I’m a Jew … I was brought up in this city. I studied under Gamaliel. I was thoroughly trained in the law of our ancestors. I am just as zealous for God as you are. I persecuted the followers of the Way – to their death and into prison. Even the high priest can testify to this.”
Paul is explaining that he is ‘one of them.’
This reminds me of something Paul wrote to the Philippian church: “I was circumcised on the 8th day, of the people of Israel, of the tribe of Benjamin, a Hebrew of Hebrews, in regard to the law – a Pharisee, as for zeal – persecuting the church; as for righteousness based on the law -faultless.”
Paul is fond of pointing out just how unassailable his pedigree is. His point in both Acts 22 and in Philippians 3 is that in the end, they do him no good. In fact, his bona fides are worse than useless, “I consider them garbage that I may gain Christ.” His religious pedigree did him no good on the Damascus road when he met Jesus. In fact, it was his religious pedigree that was keeping him from Christ. He rested on his religious laurels, trusting in them to gain him God’s favor, only to find out his religious zeal was driving him AWAY from God.
Today for you and me this begs the question: in what ways to do we think God owes us? Paul was convinced his religious zeal meant he had earned God’s favor. What makes us feel like God might owe us his favor? In other words, what is your spiritual pedigree?
Here is mine: born into a Christian family. Raised in a household where ministry defined life, first as missionaries, then later when my dad was a pastor. Graduated from Christian school. Went to Calvin College. Graduated from seminary. Served as a missionary in the D.R and now a pastor. Surely, God must be glad of my life and sacrifices to serve him! Right?
Except Paul’s pedigree was greater than my own. And still he said it was garbage. What is your pedigree. How might you rely on your life and religious zeal to earn you favor with God?
~ Pastor Joel