No Shoe to Drop

Hebrews 1:1-4

The Son is the radiance of God’s glory and the exact representation of his being, sustaining all things by his powerful word.

-Hebrews 1:3

If you have been a Christian for very long, you have probably felt seasons of great assurance and seasons of doubt. There is literally nothing that is more comforting than truly knowing that you are united with Christ, that his sacrifice is sufficient for your brokenness and sin, and that your sins are forgiven. This assurance of knowing that you are in a right relationship with God changes your entire outlook on life. Where once there was doubt, now there is confidence. Where once there was anxiety, now there is peace. Where once there was regret, now there is hope.

But there may be other seasons when you might start to wonder. You love reading and hearing about Jesus, and you know that he is on your side. However, you start to wonder if there’s a part of God that we don’t see. The God we sing praise to: Immortal, invisible, God only wise. The harsh God we may think we see in the Old Testament. Yes, Jesus is on our side, we think, but can we really know his relationship with the Holy, Almighty God? Is there a part of God beyond Jesus whose holiness will do us in at the last day? Am I really safe from God's wrath? Are we just waiting for another shoe to drop?

If we worry about this, today’s reading ought to be of immense comfort. The Son is the radiance of God’s glory and the exact representation of his being. Jesus IS God. And he is the way God speaks to us. Jesus is the full and final revelation of God. And our reading reminds us that he has made purification for our sins, and now sits at the right hand of the Majesty in heaven until he returns. There is no other shoe to drop. We can be confident that God is for us because (and only because) Jesus is for us.

Veiled in flesh the Godhead see;

hail the incarnate Deity,

pleased as man with man to dwell,

Jesus, our Immanuel.

Thanks be to God!

~ Pastor Matt


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