Christmas is only the Beginning
Luke 2:20
“The shepherds returned, glorifying and praising God for all the things they had heard and seen, which were just as they had been told.”
After the shepherds visited Jesus and worshiped at the feet of our king, they “returned.” They went back to their flocks, back to their ordinary lives. If you think about it, life mostly went back to normal that first day after Christmas. The angels silenced their singing. The wisemen started the long journey home. Caesar Augustus’ census continued without interruption.
This return to reality after Christmas happens quickly for me too. December 26th is my husband Mason’s birthday, and we shift almost immediately from Christmas celebrations to birthday festivities. I’m learning to navigate this transition, finding a balance between lingering in the joy of Christmas and celebrating him. In doing so, I’ve been reminded that Christmas isn’t just about a single day or event—it’s about what follows. The birth of Jesus wasn’t the end of the story; it was only the beginning.
Luke tells us that “Jesus grew and became strong, filled with wisdom; and the grace of God was upon Him” (Luke 2:40). Like us, He learned, worked, faced challenges, and experienced human frailty. Yet His purpose went far beyond simply experiencing life on earth. In John 6:38-40 Jesus shares why He came down from heaven: not to do His own will, but to accomplish the will of the Father — so that all who believe in Him may have eternal life. This purpose was not accomplished on the night that He came; it unfolded throughout His life, death, and resurrection.
This Christmas, I’ve been reminded of what the manger set in motion, leading me to consider what we should do the day after Christmas. Instead of letting the day fade into the background, we can see it as an opportunity to look beyond the manger and into the life, work, and mission of Christ. Like the shepherds, we can return to our normal lives transformed by the truth that Jesus Christ has come—and He will come again.