A Prayer for Visalia CRC

Colossians 1:9-14

For this reason, since the day we heard about you, we have not stopped praying for you. We continually ask God to fill you with the knowledge of his will through all the wisdom and understanding that the Spirit gives, so that you may live a life worthy of the Lord and please him in every way:

-Colossians 1:9-10

Someone who is participating in the Life and Letters of Paul Reading Plan this summer asked me if I ever wondered what Paul would have written to Visalia CRC. When I read today’s passage, I couldn’t help but think, “THIS! This is what I think Paul would have written to us.”

Today’s verses are a prayer that Paul has for the church in Colossae. He’s already thanked God for the good things he’s heard about them: their faith in Christ and their love for all people (Col. 1:3-8). But Paul knows there’s always room for improvement. And so, he challenges the church through this prayer that he shares with them.

I love our church here in Visalia and I am so thankful for the faith, hope and love that are evident in our congregation. But I know that we too could be better. I know that there’s always room for improvement in the ways that we know God and in the ways we seek to walk worthy of Christ Jesus. So today I invite you to join me in a prayer for our congregation based on the words of Paul. Written to the church in Colossae over 2000 years ago, and written for us today.

Dear Heavenly Father,

May we be a people filled with the knowledge of your will. Christ followers who recognize and acknowledge that you, God, are in control. That you have a clear plan of redemption for the world and for us. May this knowledge be given through the wisdom and understanding of your Holy Spirit.

Lord, may we not just be hearers of your word, but doers. May our lives be lived in a way worthy and pleasing to you. Cultivate love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, gentleness, goodness and self-control, that we may produce good fruit and good works for your honor and glory.

May the teaching and preaching of your Word help every member in this congregation grow in our knowledge of you. Lord, we are humbled by the fact that you – a holy and righteous God, mysterious and almighty - would reveal yourself to us through your creation, your Word and your Holy Spirit. May we be life-long learners committed to knowing you.

Lord, a life lived worthy of you often involves much pain and suffering. Our congregation knows this all too well. Yet, we have also seen the gift of your almighty power that strengthens and encourages, that provides great endurance and patience. When the days are hard, and the nights are long, may we trust in your great power.

We thank you Lord! In your grace, you have given us everything we need. You have rescued us from sin and evil and have redeemed us for your kingdom. May we raise our Halleluiahs for the great work that you have done, both now and forevermore.

In the name of your Son, whom you love,



The Valley of Vision


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