Life is full of surprises, both good and bad. One surprise I will always remember is the day my best friend had her first seizure. It happened on a trip for Mock Trial, on a charter bus. I can count the numbers of times that I have been that scared on one hand. I felt completely helpless. Once she left on the ambulance, all of us that were on the bus stood there together. Helping each other, holding hands and giving hugs while people called their parents.
When we got back on the bus and re-started our journey to the competition, one of my friends, Susana, suggested praying for Addie. Well, she yelled to the bus and said “Hey! I’m gonna pray for Addie! Join if you want to!” This bus was full of people from all different religious backgrounds. Some of them Catholic, some Christian, and some atheist. But when Susana started praying, everyone joined her. Everyone on that bus bowed their heads and listened.
This is what the power of God does in our surprise moments. John 16:33 says, “ me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble.”
He brings people together to support each other in times of trouble. This is also how the church should funtion. We must be the people holding up the arms of those struggling. How we handle these surprises shows others what leading a life with God can look like. We lead by example.
We strive for a comfort and peace that can only be supplied by God. So in our times of confusion and helplessness, we look to him. By doing this, we are able to reach those who don’t believe. God still uses us when we are lost and confused. And He is there waiting with open arms for us to find peace in him. So embrace the surprises life throws at you. Find the ability to do so in God, the one who has been, who is, and will forever be there.