Who is like the Lord

Psalm 113:4-6
"The Lord is exalted over all the nations, his glory is above the heavens. Who is like the Lord our God, the One who sits enthroned on high, who stoops down to look on the heavens and the earth?"

Have you ever disliked the place God has asked you to walk? I remember well coming home from Stanford to do some needed things after rushing off to the hospital there with a very sick husband. My husband was laying in the hospital enduring horrific treatments. Leaving was so hard even though a daughter stayed with him. As I entered the house alone, the first of many cards waited for me. It was a horrible moment of realization that I needed that kind of encouragement. A kind I didn’t really want to need. It was much easier to give encouragement than to be the one to need it. It was only the beginning of a very difficult journey.

At the same time over the years (thirteen years have passed since that sad day) I have come to realize: Who is like the Lord? There is no other name we can go to, lean on, cry out to, and know he feels our pain even when we can’t figure out exactly what he is doing. He is God after all and is enthroned on high! We can’t expect to understand everything he is doing or why. We can unburden our hearts and eventually we will find the peace we seek.

When I lost my third husband five years ago now, I again felt lost and terrible. I remember my biggest question then was “WHY?” Time, prayer, a lot of weeping, Bible reading, and more Bible reading helped me realize God doesn’t always answer the “WHY?” question but does tell us to know “WHO IS LIKE THE LORD?” The ending of the book of Job basically says the same thing and we all must understand that God is never fully understood until we see him face to face. I Corinthians 13:12 ….then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known.

Today’s devotion also takes us to I Timothy 5:9-16. This letter Paul wrote to Timothy about how the church should take care of widows. I feel it is dated to suit the day it was written in and the issues they had to deal with. It can sound a little harsh if you don’t take this into consideration. They talk about how a widow in need can be helped (but only if she is over sixty). If she is young, she will probably marry again, and it tells us their desires of remarriage overcome their dedication to Christ! You know I didn’t like to read that! I thought “NOT TRUE”! Thankfully my Study Bible notes helped explain this is most likely referring to women marrying an unbeliever and therefore leaving being dedicated to God.

Ok my point is it’s hard to be a widow or a widower and I just want to encourage anyone who feels lonely or forgotten by God or others never give up and always cry out to God as well as a friend you can trust. Thank you, Visalia CRC deacons, for trying so hard to care for the lonely and needy in our church! I encourage everyone to look for the wonderful help all around you.

Whether our deacons, elders, or Stephen ministers you never have to feel alone when you take advantage of all the wonderful people or things God gives!

Last of all I want to encourage us all to be involved with each other. This does not mean you have to be BFF’s with the whole church. Not possible! If you are lonely find another who may be lonely and invite them over. Don’t wait to be invited. It is hard and takes determination not to do pity parties (believe me I know) but invite people to do things with you or call a Stephen Minister, if you feel you have no friends you feel comfortable inviting over.

Finally the Lord is the key to all things. The real friend who can lead us into happiness and peace! Because after all – “WHO IS LIKE THE LORD?”


Entrusted in God’s care


Unless The Lord Builds