Wise Men Still Seek Him
Hosea 6:6 “For I desire mercy, not sacrifice, and acknowledgment of God rather than burnt offerings.”
Picture this: a street glowing with elaborate Christmas decorations—bright lights, trees, reindeer, and Santas galore. However, amidst the festive displays, one house stands out. There are no brightly lit lawn ornaments or color-changing lights to indicate the season. Instead, only a simple sign placed front and center, with bold letters that read, “Wise men still seek Him.”While I’m not sure who came up with it originally, or even how long the phrase has been around, I know it’s not new. Still, these words stopped me in my tracks during my morning walk and my mind jumped to the passage I had read in Hosea earlier that morning.Hosea was a prophet in a time when Israel had forsaken the way of the Lord, turning away from Him in pursuit of the Canaanites’ idols and false gods. Hosea calls out to the people of Israel with an invitation to repent of their sins and turn back to the one true God: “Let us acknowledge the LORD; let us press on to acknowledge him” (v.3).Israel’s problem, aside from their wandering and sin, was that they believed God’s anger would last only a few days. Their repentance and words of loyalty were superficial, sparkling like millions of dewdrops under the gleam of the sun, but soon burning away. Their love was shallow. Their devotion was fleeting. And God knew it, saying “Your love is like the morning mist, like the early dew that disappears” (v. 4).Since Israel failed to truly repent and cling to God, they would face judgement and severe discipline. In the midst of the section that explains this reality, we read words that are profound in their simplicity: “For I desire mercy, not sacrifice, and acknowledgment of God rather than burnt offerings” (v. 6).God wanted love and recognition. He wanted Israel’s hearts, their loyalty, and their consistent devotion. This desire has not changed with us. God does not want us going through the religious motions, just saying the right things, and offering insincere confession of sins or sorrow. He wants love and deep devotion. He wants us to know Him.Unlike the wise men of the nativity story, we do not have to journey to a foreign land in order to find God. We can find Him by simply opening up the Scriptures and reading what God has revealed about Himself. Hebrews 11:6 says that God rewards those who seek Him. This is both an encouragement and a promise. God will reward those who seek Him, and wise men still seek Him.