Tim Wolff Tim Wolff

Where was Jesus?

In this week’s conversation, Jesse and Tim discuss the question, “Where was Jesus before the incarnation?”

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Tim Wolff Tim Wolff

Did Mary Know?

In this week’s conversation, Jesse and Tim discuss the question, “Did Mary know? Did she have a full understanding of who Jesus would become or what He would do as she carried Him in the womb and raised Him from infancy?”

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Tim Wolff Tim Wolff

Are the God of the OT and the NT different?

In this week’s conversation, Jesse and Tim discuss the question, “Is the God of the Old Testament and the God of the New Testament two different beings or are they the same God? And, why does it seem like we’re seeing two different personalities of God here?”

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Tim Wolff Tim Wolff

What the hell….

In this week’s conversation, Jesse and Tim discuss the question, “What is/where is hell and how has modern culture influenced our view of it?”

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Tim Wolff Tim Wolff

so…where is heaven?

In this week’s conversation, Jesse and Tim discuss the question, “Where is and what is heaven really like? What has pop culture taught us that may have led us away from biblical teachings of what heaven really is?”

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Tim Wolff Tim Wolff

Where was Lazarus?

In this week’s conversation, Jesse and Tim discuss the question, “Where was Lazarus between dying and Jesus bringing him back to life? And where did OT figures go when they died if Jesus had not yet sacrificed Himself for us?”

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Tim Wolff Tim Wolff

You Heard It Said E1S1

It all begins with an idea. Join us for our weekly conversations as we ask questions about common misconceptions or differences in thought about scripture and Christianity. This week we’ll take it from the beginning….of creation. We invite you to ask the question, “how does my understanding or interpretation of Genesis 1 influence the entirety of scripture?”

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