Welcome to

Visalia CRC

Service Time

Join us for one of our two identical worship services

Sunday at 8:00 am & 10:30 am

Sermon Series

Check out or rewatch our Sunday Sermons.

Facility Expansion

Stay up to date with our facility expansion progress and our fundraising milestones.

Regular Worship Times

Join us at one of our two identical worship services this Sunday at 8:00 am or 10:30 am.

Miss a Sunday or just want to re-listen to a sermon?

Check out our past sermons on our podcast stream through Apple Podcast, Spotify, or wherever your podcasts.

Save The Date - Camp Jubilee

June 1-6

Join us for an incredible week of worshiping God in His creation, playing like He’s created us to, and creating relationships and memories that will last a lifetime. Summer camp is an incredibly powerful place in the walk of faith for many, so sign up today and join us for our 5th, and best summer yet at Camp Jubilee.

Save The Date - VBS

June 16-20

Mark your calendars and join us for “Magnified” from June 16-20

What We Believe